Gillette may be in for some hard times as their three main spokesmen all have found themselves the center of media controversy in the last couple of months. Rodger Federer's embarrassing temper tantrum at the U.S. Open finals this past September could mark the beginning of the "Champions" downfall. Two months later an illegal hand-ball from Thierry Henry in the World Cup qualifying match would send fans over the edge. So much perhaps that Gillette decided to change an add featuring Thierry holding a soccer ball in the previous running Gillette ads, post hand-ball incident the advertisement is ball free. And if Gillette wasn't feeling enough pressure from their failing "Champions" Tiger Woods makes his good boy behavior go sour with a public display of adultery.
While it is probably safe to say that Tiger or the rest of the gang won't be getting the boot anytime soon, you have to wonder will there be consequences for Gillette? If anything this may work as just the opposite. People will still love these three men. These three men are and may always be the best their sport has to offer. So soon after the dust settles these tribulations may just be forgotten to the public and Gillette could perhaps use the events as leverage to gain a cheaper endorsement price. David Schwab, VP for the athlete representation for Octagon says, "For the entire celebrity area, when issues like this happen,brands and their legal counsel tighten a lot of legal language- termination, morals and yes, pricing"
Although we place these celebrities on pedestals we have to remember at the end of the day everyone is human and everyone makes mistakes. Hopefully these public human mistakes don't cost these men too much in financial or personal ways.
I have to admit when I wrote this blog I really did not believe that Gillette would drop Tiger for this mistake. I mean, as I had posted its other "Champions" were in a bit of hot water themselves at one point. While Gillette maintains that it isn't "dropping" Tiger but rather giving him the respect he deserves to stay out the public light during this difficult time. Its easy to see that Gillette is perhaps doing this in their best interest as opposed to really giving Tiger time. But the important thing to watch now is whether Nike and other companies will follow Gillette's lead with a "time out" or even a permanent drop. Only time will tell..